Fireman’s Last Call, in Ocho Rios

Fireman’s Last Call, in Ocho Rios

Wednesday’s crash in Ocho Rios St Ann which claimed the life of 25-year-old fireman Lorenzo Douse is deja vu for the division, and the Ocho Rios Station.  In September last year, two other firefighters who had completed their duties and were on their way home...
PSOJ and PNP Meet on National Security Matters

PSOJ and PNP Meet on National Security Matters

The use of the State of Public Emergency (SOPE) as a tool in the Government’s crime plan is again being discussed, this time between members of the Private Sector Organization of Jamaica (PSOJ), Executive and the Leader of the Opposition Mark Golding and Senator...
Over 1 Million Unpaid Traffic Tickets

Over 1 Million Unpaid Traffic Tickets

Tying the number of avoidable road fatalities to the level of indiscipline on the nation’s roadways, Justice Minister Delroy Chuck, provided the latest update on the Government’s efforts to encourage responsible and compassionate use of the roads, while touting a...
Henley Morgan: Be Careful What You SOPE

Henley Morgan: Be Careful What You SOPE

There is a word of caution from one Social Entrepreneur to the Government on its continued use of the States of Public Emergency (SOPE) as a crime fighting tool. ‘Be careful, that you don’t reap what you sow’ or in this case the Social...