Tying the number of avoidable road fatalities to the level of indiscipline on the nation’s roadways, Justice Minister Delroy Chuck, provided the latest update on the Government’s efforts to encourage responsible and compassionate use of the roads, while touting a change to the ticket management system that will see violators unable to lawfully drive.

The Justice Minister is doubling down on a commitment to make inroads into the backlog of over 1 million unpaid tickets, while also addressing his assertion that traffic tickets represent over 70% of cases filed in the courts, a phenomenon he believes detracts from the intended function of the court. The Minister suggests that the arrival on December 8, of a web accessed database, detailing all motorists’ unpaid tickets, Will enable better personal management of traffic fines and encourage compliance. The Minister however also spoke of significant consequences to motorists that continue to shun paying the fines.

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