The use of the State of Public Emergency (SOPE) as a tool in the Government’s crime plan is again being discussed, this time between members of the Private Sector Organization of Jamaica (PSOJ), Executive and the Leader of the Opposition Mark Golding and Senator Peter Bunting.

President Keith Duncan says the meeting was arranged to facilitate open dialogue on their divergent views of SOPE, noting that the PNP has consistently raised concerns about the constitutionality of the measure. Nonetheless, he says both sides remained resolute in their stance on the SOPE, and its impact on Jamaica’s crime rate.

The PSOJ is also calling for the focus to be on lifting the magnitude of social investment in several communities across the island. Duncan says the enhanced security measures are critical to Jamaica’s crime reduction strategies, and the PSOJ believes the Government should engage the Opposition and bring this matter to a close in the best interest of Jamaica.

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