Think Before You Act

Think Before You Act

Too often violence is used as a means to remedy conflicts in schools and it almost always does not end well. As the Director of Safety and Security in Schools, Richard Troupe reminds us, with every choice there are consequences and deadly ones too. He believes in...
Lacovia High School Receives 2 Buses from Japan 

Lacovia High School Receives 2 Buses from Japan 

The two new buses that were donated to the Lacovia High School in St. Elizabeth are expected to improve transportation for students over time. The Education Minister says this endowment by Japan’s government is a testament to the country’s commitment to aid in...
St Catherine Children Get Back to School Treat

St Catherine Children Get Back to School Treat

As it draws nearer to the new school term, over 500 children from St Catherine were given school bags at a special back 2 school event, hosted by the Pollyanna Project and Partners, Saturday.The children benefited from the generous offer which included various treats...