Targeting Social Intervention for Youngsters in Crime

Targeting Social Intervention for Youngsters in Crime

National Security Minister Dr Horace Chang says recent analysis of the local crime trends has indicated the need for targeted intervention for youngsters between 17 and 25 many of whom are fearless and form critical parts of organised crime networks. He admits while...
MOHW & MLSS Lauded and Scolded for COVID-19 Spend

MOHW & MLSS Lauded and Scolded for COVID-19 Spend

The latest COVID-19 expenditure audit conducted over the period May 2020 to June 2022, has found that of 8 billion dollars allocated to aid the country’s COVID-19 emergency response interventions, millions remain unaccounted for due to myriad deficiencies. Among...
Warmington “No Backra Master Leader” 

Warmington “No Backra Master Leader” 

As the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) ramps up its election campaign, outspoken Member of Parliament (MP) Everald Warmington lashes the Opposition Leader in a fiery presentation at a Party Conference on Sunday night.  MP Warmington referred to Opposition Leader Mark...