CXC Exams Begin

CXC Exams Begin

There were a number of issues leading up to the CXC exams following the COVID-19 outbreak, but now that it has started, the concerns have shifted to how students will perform. Months of hard work including learning via virtual platforms and in some cases self-study...
Bandwidth Issues Prone To Disrupt Exams

Bandwidth Issues Prone To Disrupt Exams

For students in public schools in Jamaica, the CSEC and CAPE exams are just a few weeks away but for some private institutions, these examinations begin as early as next week. However, problems appear to be looming with those who have opted to undertake online exams...
CSEC And CAPE Students Return To School

CSEC And CAPE Students Return To School

Since March, students have had to adapt to a virtual learning environment in preparation for exams with no clear date on when they will be held. Now a timetable has been set, secondary schools opened to accommodate classes for upcoming exams. School administrators...