The Government is set to pay an additional 1.4 billion dollars to the Programme of Advancement Through Health and Education, PATH. Labour and Social Security Minister, Karl Samuda, says the government has not lost sight of mitigating the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. He says the latest increase will be paid in June 2022. Minister Karl Samuda says the ministry continues to deliver government relief interventions, to the poorest and most vulnerable among citizens.

This as the government adds an additional 1.4 billion dollars to the programme of advancement through health and education, path. The move is expected to cushion the economic hardships brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic. Minister Samuda says this increase will be paid in June 2022. He says the pandemic accelerated plans within the ministry, for more beneficiary families to collect their payment via electronic methods. The minister went further, addressing the matter of imported labour announced by the prime minister recently. He says the only person who can grant a work permit, is the Minister of Labour. Samuda says the government will continue to maximize citizens’ work force involvement.

Reporter: Justin Graham