Young Mickele Allen who was mauled by dogs almost a month ago in St Ann underwent another plastic surgery on Wednesday, December 9 and is on his way to a full recovery. His family can now see the flicker of light at the end of the long tunnel. 

It’s been a little over two weeks since 5-year-old Mickele Allen was transferred overseas for surgery after being attacked by several dogs in Alexandria, St. Ann.

Today Jamaicans are eager to know his current medical condition. 

Mickele’s mother, Sherine Grindley, gave the CVM team a quick update on Mickele’s progress at the Montifiore Hospital in the Bronx,New York.

Mickele’s story along with many other mauled victims would have no legal bearings for the physical and mental scars that would haunt them for a lifetime. 

However, with the passage  of  the dogs liability for attacks act in both houses of parliament, victims could now seek legal recourse.

The legislation provides for criminal and civil liability for an owner of a dog that attacks, injures and or causes the death of a person. It also provides for civil and criminal liabilities in the event an individual is injured or attacked by a dog.  

The bill proposes fines ranging from 5-hundred thousand dollars to 3 -million dollars, or imprisonment from six months to 15 years as criminal penalties.

The CVM team will continue to follow up on the progress of young Mickele Allen.