How does one cope with the loss of a child? One cannot begin to imagine the immense pain a mother or father experiences when they lose a child. Reflecting on recent incidents of death involving young children how can a parent begin to process such a significant loss? Especially in cases where that child is an only child. Imagine sending your child to school expecting him or her to turn home only to get the worst phone call of your life that something terrible has happened. One can only surmise the psychological, and social grief that parents who are mourning the death of a child experience.

The loss of a child may be the worst trauma a human being can experience. Particularly because parents view themselves as protectors and feel responsible for their child’s wellbeing. Although parents mourning the loss of a child, in many ways, experience the usual grief response there are many unique challenges. The loss of a child can ruin a family or bring them closer together. With the recent tragedies, we can only speculate about how the parents are coping with the loss and the different feelings such as regret and what ifs. Some are even feeling culpable or complicit while others are feeling they have failed as parents.

Counselling Psychologist, Andre Allen-Casey and Musician, Songwriter and Preacher, Minister Ockeino Grant shares their perspective on grieving the loss of a child on Sunrise. Watch the discussion here: