PSOJ: Instrumental in E-Ticket Development

PSOJ: Instrumental in E-Ticket Development

Embracing the new age of technology, motorists could soon experience the Traffic Ticket Management System (TTMS); TTMS is an online portal developed to pay and query one’s ticket status. The system has been developed and tested in government agencies since last...
Traffic Tickets to be Issued Electronically Soon

Traffic Tickets to be Issued Electronically Soon

In a few weeks, Traffic police in the Corporate Area will be equipped with 100 smart android devices and portable printers to facilitate the electronic issuance of traffic tickets. The devices will also give officers the ability to reference driver and vehicle...
Improved Traffic Ticket Management System 

Improved Traffic Ticket Management System 

The Minister of National Security says a collaborative effort is on-going to address the inefficiencies of the Traffic Ticket Management System TTMS. The minister was speaking at a handover ceremony of equipment to the traffic ticketing in the...