Public Sector Compensation Concerns

Public Sector Compensation Concerns

Minister of Finance Dr Nigel Clarke held a press conference providing an update and explanation of the delay in payment to a number of ministries, departments, and agencies of government under the new compensation payment system. To discuss the concerns public...
Integrity Commission Speaks About Hindrances to Functionality

Integrity Commission Speaks About Hindrances to Functionality

In its first-ever appearance before Parliament,  the Integrity Commission has outlined a few issues affecting its ability to carry out its mandate including the very structure of the entity to prevent corruption in the public sector in addition to investigating and...
Shaw Calls For More Public-Private Partnerships

Shaw Calls For More Public-Private Partnerships

The Minister of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries, Audley Shaw is calling for more partnerships within the public and private sector. According to him, this will contribute to the economic well-being of the country. Public private partnerships are not...