Firearm And Ammunition In Manchester

Firearm And Ammunition In Manchester

A joint police/military operation conducted in Battrersea, New Green, Mandeville, Manchester reaped a firearm and several rounds of ammunition on Tuesday, January 09. Reports are that about 4:30 a.m., a premises was searched and an AR15 assault rifle and seven 5.56...
Five Shot At Manchester Gospel Event 

Five Shot At Manchester Gospel Event 

A joyous family event in Job’s Lane, Christiana, Manchester took a terrifying turn on Tuesday evening when two assailants on a motorcycle opened fire on the gathered crowd, leaving five people, including a woman, injured. The incident occurred during a Family...
Head of Wanted Man Found in Porus, Manchester 

Head of Wanted Man Found in Porus, Manchester 

Authorities report the shocking discovery of a man’s severed head, belonging to an individual wanted for multiple crimes, in Porus, Manchester. Local residents came across the gruesome find, causing great alarm and distress. Police identified the head as that of...
Bunting Turns Away from Manchester Central

Bunting Turns Away from Manchester Central

Peter Bunting’s name will never appear on another ballot paper in Central Manchester. The former Member of Parliament and Party Chairman for Manchester Central announced his desire, to no longer represent the party in that constituency, which he lost to Rhoda...