“Road Accidents Straining Hospital Resources”

“Road Accidents Straining Hospital Resources”

There have been calls for road users to exercise a degree of caution, following repeated instances of road fatalities. Concerns are again being raised, as hospital personnel says road accidents are also putting a strain on hospital resources. Lamenting the strain, on...
Hospiten Celebrates 100 Successful Surgeries

Hospiten Celebrates 100 Successful Surgeries

The Hospiten Heath Care Facility in St. James has marked its one-hundredth surgery procedure, with patients having successful surgeries. Health Minister Dr. Christopher Tufton while on his visit to the facility notes the Ministry will be making additional enhancements...
Hospital Security Concerns Loom

Hospital Security Concerns Loom

Hospital security is again being questioned with concerns that Jamaica’s only confirmed Monkeypox patient escaped care at the weekend. Opposition Junior Spokesperson on Health and Wellness, Jesse James Clarke is calling for an investigation into the...