Hanna Calls for Focus on Health Care

Hanna Calls for Focus on Health Care

With the Health Ministry raising alarm about several issues plaguing Jamaicans, People’s National Party, PNP, Member Lisa Hanna is questioning whether the government has its priorities in order. This is on the heels of a tax break targeting a small and unique group....
Mobile Medical Care Boosts Access to Health Care

Mobile Medical Care Boosts Access to Health Care

As several communities grapple with financial strain, access to medical care gets increasingly difficult. The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and the Ministry of Health and Wellness (MOHW), in partnership with the Jamaican Network of Seropositive,...

Free Health Care for Children Under 12 Years

KINGSTON, JAMAICA, October 28, 2019: Effective immediately parents of children 12 years and younger can access free medical care at the University Hospital of the West Indies (UHWI). The Ministry of Health & Wellness has announced that children suspected to have...