We discussed the public’s perception of the church in light of recent happenings and were joined by, Reverend Dr. Al Miller, senior pastor Fellow Tabernacle and Bishop Roan Edwards, General Overseer at the Lighthouse Assembly,

It is generally said Jamaica has more churches per square mile than any other country. It is fair to say we are steep in Christians principles, though often not practiced; is it fair however to say the public’s perception and trust of operations within the hallowed halls of the church is waning, given recent happenings? How is the church navigating those realities?

Regarding the recent happenings in St. James the Pathways International Kingdom Restoration Ministries of an alleged human sacrifice ritual and the controversial leader, now deceased Kevin O. Smith; Bishop Roan Edwards noted that it is disappointing that an institution that should have brought healing and should have been a safe place, have cause pain and hurt.

Meanwhile, Reverend Al Miller noted that in reality an overall responsibility must be taken, as if persons lived with the principle of being their brother’s keeper, instances like this may be avoided. He noted that cultish behaviour however, as always been there and we must therefore be more vigilant in order to identify the red flags and be able to teach persons what the signs are to protect themselves and the Jamaican society at large.