Workplace protocols are among the many things that changed as a result of Covid-19. Although food manufacturer Seprod Limited remained open throughout the crisis, operations are changing drastically.

No mask, no entry. All employees and visitors must fill in a questionnaire. Only five persons should be in the bathroom or changing room at any one time, one person per lunch table, one active line per shift, and a mandatory two-hour cleaning and sanitizing session between shifts.

These are some of the new measures implemented at Seprod Group as the pandemic prompts companies to implement new protocols in the workplace. Although there was always a great emphasis on hygiene, safety, and Health Officer, Loika Bucknall says tighter measures have been put in place.

Production Manager, Tanesha Munda explains that now, the company not only prioritize food safety but also health safety at all times. And how have the measures impacted the company’s productivity level? General Manager Jeffery Moss-Solomon noting that the virus has affected the bottom line says there is no major impact.

He says the virus has however certainly improved risk management capabilities.