Defending the rights of the people. That is the goal of the People’s National Party, PNP, in relation to discussions surrounding the government’s State of Emergency (SOE) crime fighting plan. That is according to Opposition Spokesman on National Security, Senator Peter Bunting.

Responding to Prime Minister Andrew Holness‘ comments about the Opposition previously voting against an SOE extension in 2010, Senator Bunting says there was not a charter of rights in the constitution, thus, the acting government only needed a majority of the votes to approve the extension. 

His disbelief of the government’s reasoning for the SOE extension reigned on, as he highlighted parishes with a rise in crime that were not placed under SOEs. Senator Bunting further lashed the government for the handing over ceremony of the fifty new garbage trucks, as he condemned the government’s handling of the garbage crisis.  

With road maintenance next on the party’s list of criticisms, Opposition Spokesperson on Transport, Mikael Phillips says the PNP promises to reinstate the road maintenance fund. 

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