There is an ongoing conversation about the access young Jamaicans have to quality jobs after they have completed tertiary education.The issue was explored on CVM Live’s youth panel discussion last Friday.

While all three guests agree that unemployment among young Jamaicans is at an all time low, the General Secretary of the PNPYO, argues that the quality of the jobs is not as satisfying.

He says the jobs youths are getting are not sufficient for them to live on or provide financial assistance to siblings or parents in need.

In response General Secretary for Young Jamaica, Rohan Walsh suggests that young Jamaicans need to rely on their creative skills as a means of gaining financial independence. This he said can be done by becoming entrepreneurs and helping to grow the country’s economy. 

But while the chairman of the UWI Guild at the Western Jamaica Campus, Ackime Saunders nods in agreement, he says it is not a solid alternative. He says university students do welcome the opportunity to become young entrepreneurs, but a large number of them  are struggling with tuition.

Saunders adds that investors are also hesitant to provide financial assistance because of a lack of confidence in potential entrepreneurs.

