Unendurable dust and no water that is the unfortunate reality of some residents living in communities around JISCO Alpart.

Members of the opposition met with Alpart to discuss a plan of action to put a stop to the existing dust nuisance affecting residents.

They are also calling on the government to provide residents with access to potable water.

The fallout between JISCO Alpart operators in St. Elizabeth and residents appears to has reached a crucial stage.

Phillip Paulwell says he has met the company for the third time in less than a year demanding accountability from the company.

This time Phillip explains, Alpart presented a plan of action that is expected to address the damaging effects of the dust.

He adds that JISCO Alpart will be held accountable, as there will be a follow-up tour in the first week of March to ensure that significant improvements take place.

The Opposition Spokesman on health Dr.  Morais guy who was also in attendance says during the tour of the communities there was obvious signs that residents’ health were at risk and is being threatened.

Paulwell believes unfulfilled promises of water to the surrounding communities is an act of discrimination by the JLP.

Dr. Fenton Ferguson is calling for the government to engage the Essex valley water project to solve residents’ water worries.