As the members of the People’s National Party, (PNP) presses for unity, one political commentator is suggesting that political parties restructure their organization. This as he notes issues from the past have not been resolved which has left supporters drifting even farther apart.

Political Commentator, Richard Crawford says the recent public disagreements within the PNP have left the party in a bad place. His remark follows the Party’s 83rd annual conference where Opposition Leader, Mark Golding and past leaders called for unity.

Crawford says though the members have attempted to reunite, the longstanding issues among supporters have not been resolved. He noted that over the years the real issues in the country have not been attended to and therefore the party has lost a lot of support from Jamaicans, however he added that the situation is not hopeless. The political commentator says the political system in Jamaica on a whole has outgrown its youthfulness. He suggests both political parties look towards restructuring.

When asked what is most lacking in the PNP, Mr. Crawford said they are lacking in a course of action that will put them in the drivers seat and expose the weaknesses of the current government.
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