In a concerning trend, St. Ann has reported its fourth murder within a span of three days, with the latest incident unfolding in Inverness, Alexandria, last evening. The victim, 64-year-old Maxine Parkinson, who had been missing since Monday, is said to have been abducted and killed by her son-in-law in what appears to be a tragic outcome of a family dispute. Community members are grieving the loss of Maxine Parkinson, described as friendly, thoughtful, and kind. Sasha Lee, a resident, expressed shock over the unprecedented incident in the area. The suspect, who has been married to Parkinson’s daughter for a decade, is now under investigation.

This unfortunate event follows a series of recent murders in St. Ann. On January 8, the first murder occurred, involving a suspect in another murder case. Subsequently, a water sports operator at a popular tourist destination was shot and killed on Tuesday. Later the same day, another man lost his life in a confrontation with the police at Top Road in St. Ann’s Bay. The community is grappling with the aftermath of these tragic events, highlighting the urgent need to address escalating violence in the region.

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