Medical expert in the Health Ministry, Dr. Audrey McIntosh, says Jamaicans that the hesitancy among persons who are due for their second COVID-19 shot percentage is minimal. She however notes, the Ministry has provided adequate information for individuals to make informed decisions and highlights the Ministry is working assiduously to get reach more communities across the island.

Dr. McIntosh, who sought to point out that, that although that is concerning, it is a small number, as health officials have made available substantial information to persons who take the second COVID-19 shot. She note that there has been an uptake in second doses and that persons are made aware that while some persons may have possible side effects others will not and they are give adequate information when it comes to treating these side effects.

She notes while the Health Ministry is working assiduously to reach herd immunity, reaching all communities across Jamaica has to be done on a timely manner.

Dr. Mcintosh adds that mental health support is provided for persons who are struggling regarding the pandemic. In the meantime, one parent sought to implore all parents to trust the health experts and the science surrounding the vaccines.

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