A social media user who contacted CVM LIVE just ahead of what was dubbed a sale on non-invasive cosmetic procedures for Christmas is fuming as she insists the spa left her with first- and second-degree burns. 

Nearly four years on and despite little changes to the scar she’s triggered by the latest Christmas promotion luring more young women in search of the perfect body. The woman has requested anonymity, based on the sensitive nature of the incident.

A St Andrew woman, days away from her wedding, opted to have a non-invasive tummy reduction procedure done. She says it was advertised as a safe and painless process, that a potential client could use their lunch break to undergo. However, millions of dollars, months of excruciating pain, a scarred tummy, and several doctor’s visits later she insists it was all a farce…The woman alleges she went in for a cool sculpting procedure, but while undergoing the fat reduction treatment she says the advertised machine failed, at which time she alleges the employee using the machine began to panic. She says the employee could be heard at points saying she’s never been trained in the use of the machine and struggled to return the machine to functionality. Added to that the unsuspecting client says once the procedure was complete, she began feeling discomfort in the area, which grew more and more unbearable as the days passed.

She shared her wedding day and honeymoon were impacted by a massive water bump and what she says turned out to be first- and second-degree burns. The woman who took to social media to caution others from such a procedure without one doing their due diligence, says although the incident unfolded four years ago, she is yet to receive redress or even an apology.

The entity caught in the string of allegations operates from various locations and would be one of several self-proclaimed beauty treatment entities affording women a chance at their perfect body. The impacted couple who confided in me, say they later found out that the cool sculpting device at the establishment was a fake.

A message from the entity at the heart of the incident, simply told her they’ll seek to reimburse her initial payment for the procedure, a mere fraction of what the woman has since paid for treatment.

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