A student of the Queen’s High School, St Andrew, on Tuesday allegedly attempted suicide from the roof of a building on the school compound. It is also alleged that there was an altercation involving other students prior to the near-fatal episode. The event sparked fear and concern on social media. 

Rumors were swirling on social media that school administrators were forced to summon the police after an altercation involving students along the fourth form block. Following the altercation, it is understood that three students went on a roof and refused to come down. It’s alleged that one of the students threatened to jump.

Our news team made several attempts to engage security personnel for access to the school compound, however, we were met with much resistance. Our news team received an account by one of the students as to what really transpired. Our news team also made several calls to Principal Jennifer Williams, but calls and text messages went unanswered. The Queen’s School is the latest institution in recent times to have outbursts sending shock waves across social media.

The Ministry of Education has implemented various programs in schools to assist in curtailing violence. The most recent initiative under the Ministry is the ‘just medz it’, the yearlong campaign that seeks to shift the culture of violent confrontations and responses among students and equip them with conflict-resolution skills.

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