The recent uptick in COVID-19 cases has triggered concerns over whether the Government will close Jamaica’s borders again. Prime Minister Andrew Holness, referenced the issue on Friday.

“The prospect of closing our borders for an extended period is not one that is feasible. It is not. We would be cutting off our nose to spite our face,” said PM Holness. “So, Jamaica more than other country must learn to live with Covid-19.”

But even with the Prime Minister telling citizens they need to adapt, the U.S. has issued a level 3 advisory for the country warning against travel to Jamaica

“When there is an outbreak the effective strategy is to close and prevent movement. That is the most  effective strategy but it is the most deleterious on the economy because you not only stop the spread of the virus but you shut down your economy literally,” he added. 

The Prime Minister goes further to note that infection control and prevention measures will be utilised.

“Chief among them is that of you are ill with respiratory type symptoms, having difficulty breathing, if you are ill with flu-like symptoms, if you are coughing, sneezing, sniffling what should you do? Stay at home translated into our Jamaican language tan a yuh yaad.”

However, many are already breaching this protocol, not wearing masks and failing to practice social distancing.

“People who are ill who know they are ill with the symptoms I have just mentioned are moving about. the population and taking the virus with them and passing it on to others.”

The Prime Minister continued,” I can only but urge but I have a duty as Prime Minister that even if the public does not believe that it is in their own interest, I have a duty to protect the public interest .”