After the passage of Tropical Storm Grace, an estimated cost of $171 million dollars was projected as preliminary cost of damage. Although Jamaica was spared the full wrath of the tropical storm Grace, a number of roads suffered major infrastructure damage.

The roughly calculated figure was disclosed by Prime Minister Andrew Holness in an address to the nation last week. A total of six parishes were badly damaged and assessed. The Parishes are Kingston and St. Andrew, St. Thomas, Portland, St. Mary, and Clarendon. Approximately one hundred and ninety-eight (198) roads across the island were impacted by the heavy rains.

According to the Communications Manager at the National Works Agency, (NWA), Stephen Shaw, the agency is still on track to complete the Gordon Town Road by the end of August, as a section of the roadway collapsed after heavy rains in November of last year. 

Shaw states the agency will continue to be vigilant for the remainder of the hurricane season, noting that annually there are three rounds of mitigation works.

He says the NWA will shortly undertake the second round of hurricane mitigation activities for this year. 

During an interview with CVM Live, an update was given on works being conducted along the Spanish Town Road in the corporate area.

Watch the full video below for the full report: