Police Commissioner Major General Antony Anderson says murders are up by 8 percent – 86 more than last year. He says the gun is the common denominator in the majority of those crimes, further underpinning the importance of the new firearms bill that will soon become law.  Major crimes are up by 3.8 percent in comparison to last year, that’s according to the Commissioner of Police.

Major General Anderson credits the easy access to illegal guns for the increase. Speaking at a media briefing on Tuesday, the commissioner notes there’s been eighty-six more murders than in 2021, amounting to an 8 percent increase. Major General Anderson says that number is far from acceptable. He also notes the police have seized 584 illegal guns since the beginning of the year; that’s eleven percent more than last year, a fact that explains why the majority of the crimes committed, are done with a gun. Watch the report:

Reporter: Velonique Bowen