Understanding the Motor Vehicle Concession and Its Significance in the Integrity Commission Report – The concept of a motor vehicle concession, its eligibility criteria, and its central role in the Integrity Commission report raises important questions. What remains undisputed is that Mrs. Dalrymple-Philibert had a legal obligation to submit statutory declarations. Specifically, the Speaker obtained a 20 percent duty concession from the Ministry of Finance for the purchase of her Mercedes-Benz, which became the focal point of the Integrity Commission’s investigation. Furthermore, she is obligated to adhere to the terms and conditions outlined in the Customs Act.

The 20 percent duty concession is a benefit extended to parliamentarians and certain categories of government employees and public officials who qualify as traveling officers. A critical stipulation is that they cannot sell or dispose of the vehicle for a minimum of three years. Violating this condition would require them to reimburse the discounted amount.

In essence, the motor vehicle concession is at the heart of the Integrity Commission’s inquiry due to its relevance in Mrs. Dalrymple-Philibert’s case, and understanding its specifics sheds light on the broader context of government officials’ privileges and responsibilities. Watch the report:

In essence, the motor vehicle concession is at the heart of the Integrity Commission’s inquiry due to its relevance in Mrs. Dalrymple-Philibert’s case, and understanding its specifics sheds light on the broader context of government officials’ privileges and responsibilities. Watch the report:


Reporter: Celine Campbell

Major Stories – CVM TV