The East Avenue roadway is obstructed by water that has risen to impassable levels. Councillor for the Linstead area in St. Catherine is calling for action to be taken to manage the water levels on the roadway to prevent unease for residents.

The East Avenue roadway, after consistent showers of rain, expands into the East Avenue pond. The road just below the Linstead Primary School was impassable on Monday, October 18. Leaving residents and commuters marooned, forced to explore ways around it. The Councilor for the area Herbert Garriques is calling for consistent maintenance to ensure a proper drainage system.

Usually, water gathers in a small pond near the road and soaks away into a sinkhole within minutes, since the drain hasn’t been cleaned in years, the road floods leaving it impassable. Garriques points to the lack of resources in the municipality for the inconsistency.

One resident has lived by the shoreline of the flood for years. He acknowledged that the drainage hasn’t always been like this, but has learned to cope, despite it being an inconvenience.

Councilor Garriques hopes his appeal to the mayor of Linstead and other council members will see works being done on the pond for the convenience of his constituents.

More in this CVM Live story from Jhanielle Powell: