The Cornwall College Old Boys’ Association, led by Chairman Neville Bell, has been making substantial contributions to education by donating IT equipment to over 30,000 students. This philanthropic effort, initiated in 2021, has recently expanded its reach, benefiting schools across 8 parishes in Jamaica.

Under the leadership of Neville Bell, this initiative, which began during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, has now impacted a total of 51 schools. The widespread influence is attributed not only to Bell’s dedication but also to the support of his former classmates, the Sandals Foundation, and Dennis Shipping.

Principal Michael Ellis of Cornwall College expressed immense joy and gratitude for the generous donations. These items will not only have a positive effect on the immediate school community but also hold broader significance for education throughout Jamaica. The Cornwall College Old Boys’ Association’s commitment to enhancing educational opportunities remains a gift that will keep on giving.

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