With a rising surge in road fatalities, another fatal incident has unfolded, as a family mourns the loss of three young lives. The Providence Bypass in Montego Bay, St James, has been marked as a crash spot, and it was here that the devastating collision occurred, claiming the lives of three children.

Since the fatal incident, the grieving grandmother Shirley Stephenson recounts the heart-wrenching tale that unfolded after a family excursion from Whitter Village. The family had embarked on a joyous outing, intending to host a family get-together and share moments of fun. Tragedy struck shortly after departing Whitter Village, the vehicle, carrying one woman, her two children, four nieces and nephews, and her mother, was struck from behind by another vehicle, propelling it into a catastrophic crash. Shirley vividly describes the sudden and chaotic events that unfolded after the collision with CVM TV.

Despite sustaining minor injuries, Stephenson rushed to the hospital to check on her grandchildren. Tragically, her grandson Denmar Gowe lost his life in the crash. In the wake of the accident, Rushawn Riley, affectionately known as Million, also succumbed to his injuries. The heartbreaking ordeal continued as Stephenson discovered that her granddaughter, Chenel Hilton, had also passed away.

The mother, who was behind the wheel during the fatal collision, mourns heavily, haunted by the memory of the last conversation she had with her now-deceased son, Denmar Gowe, during which they were not on good terms. Adding to her distress, Rushawn, affectionately called Million, was nowhere to be found after the crash. Rushed to the hospital, he, too, met a tragic end. As the family grapples with their profound loss, their pain is unfortunately not unique. Across the nation, hundreds of families are grappling with the absence of their loved ones during what should be a season of joy. The struggle now is to cope with the weight of grief amid the festivities of Christmas. Watch the Report Here: 

Reporter: Trisha-Gay Kelly