Burn victim Nicole Clarke succumbed to her injuries Sunday, August 22, after three months of fighting to survive. She was doused with gasoline and set ablaze by her lover in Hanover. The news shattered the hearts of many well-wishers who partnered and organized for Clarke to be flown overseas for specialized treatment.

The mother of the deceased, Lollita Scarlett, says Clarke was recovering, and the family was preparing for her return. She says death has rocked the family. The Sanmerna Foundation, one of the main contributors that funded Clarke’s Medical Care says the company has been overwhelmed by grief. They are however grateful to all who donated and helped Nicole Clarke.

Clarke’s family has decided to have a memorial service in the United States where her mother will be flown to pay her final respects. In the meantime, Scarlett is imploring the Government to invest in a burn unit as it could save many lives.

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