Back to school delays – for face to face learning in some schools; CVM Live visited the Hayes Primary and Junior High School in Clarendon on Monday. When we arrived, there was no class in session; instead, there was a cleaning staff. Cleaning furniture and classrooms ahead of a delayed face to face reopening said to begin next week.

The staff says this is their third week of cleaning. Further along the Hayes strip, the Vere Technical High School was in session with a total of fifty grade eleven students.

Vice Principal Owen Lewin was reviewing the components of the school-based assessment with these students. We spoke to a few of the students about being back in the classroom.

Chrishane says he has to be especially cautious while at school – We also visited Glenmuir High School in May Pen; Principal of Glenmuir High Dr. Marsha Smalling says the school will reopen on January 18.

Denbigh High is also one of the 129 schools selected by the Education Ministry to continue face to face learning. Principal Janice Julal spoke with our news team -She points out that at least 80% of students were reached when the pandemic pushed all classes online.

CVM’s Christeen Forbes on Back to School Delays: