It has been over a year since a mother made a call for public assistance to save her baby who was diagnosed with a rare heart congenital disease. Since then she has received support and the child who doctors said would not live to pass her first birthday is now celebrating her second.

A year ago, she was diagnosed with several health issues including:

– Heart failure

– Cardiovascular Disease

– Noonan Syndrome

– Hypertrophic Constructive Cardiomyopathy

– Acute on chronic congestive heart failure

– Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

– Acute Kidney Injury

– Chylothorax

– Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

– Constipation.

After her story was aired on CVM LIVE, her mother received financial support for her child to undergo surgery at the Connecticut Children’s Medical Centre in the US. Following the nine(9) hour procedure, baby Jamelia remained in hospital and underwent therapy for several months to fully recover.

Now, the family will be traveling to the Connecticut Medical Centre later this month for a routine check-up for Jamelia. However, Sasha Gayle says she is still in need of assistance for her child.