Kimiya Brittney Barton, the mother whose actions in a viral video drew widespread criticism on social media, is now reaching out to the public, seeking forgiveness. Her plea comes in the wake of her child being taken into state custody after the video showed her engaging in a confrontation with another woman, during which she was seen throwing her 18-month-old girl to the ground. In a recent interview with CVM News, she made the decision to reveal her identity and expressed the emotional toll she has been experiencing, particularly since her recent C-section incision reopened.

In a deeply unsettling incident that has sparked intense debate and concern throughout the island, a young mother had her infant daughter removed from her care by the Child Protection and Family Services Agency (CPFSA) after she used the child as a shield during a fight, ultimately tossing the baby to the ground. Following the video’s viral circulation, the mother turned herself in on Monday. Watch the report:

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