An alarming number of juveniles are linked to serious crimes, despite several civil society organizations leading targeted youth intervention programmes within communities across the island.

Senior Communication Strategist in the Constabulary Force, Dennis Brooks say 22 juveniles from Westmoreland have been linked to major crimes since the start of the year.

It was reported on July 13, that a 14-year-old male was in police custody following a double murder and the injuring of a man in the community of Russia in the parish.

Justice of the Peace and businessman in Savanna-La-Mar, Westmoreland, Russell Hammond expressed concern at the increasing number of youth participating in criminal activities.

It is believed that young people who commit crimes from an early age are likely to become habitual offenders with long criminal careers.

Hammond says parents are to be held accountable and communities with a high level of criminal activities will suffer a great deal of neglect.

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