Blue Brews Bistro opened our doors in June 2021, during Covid -19 in Jamaica. “We are a family owned business that compresses of me, Michele McKay, David McKay and Winston McNish”, Jovan Yap, Managing Director. The building which the company occupied has been on the Holywell grounds for some time, and out of genuine curiosity questions were asked about the building and what the purpose of it was. They were told it was up for lease and that they wanted a café/restaurant to occupy the space.

Yap’s partner Alexandra-Thomas Rhoden assisted in the social media marketing and we had a crazy launch day. Understaffed and underprepared as they were not expecting such an outcome but we were happy for the turn out. “As a new company being in an industry foreign to us, we had to adapt as needs grew and pivot where we were lacking to satisfy our customers”, says Yap.

The business went with eco-friendly items since during Covid they had to limit human contact as much as possible, but not only for the reason of safety but for the environment. They try to limit as much plastic as possible and adopted more cardboard and sugar cane products. The intent is to switch over to proper cutlery and plates and dishes which will be in short order as times have changed and Covid is on the decline.

“While still new to the industry and adapting to this new undertaking. We have alot of improvements to do and with any business its a long learning process that takes time to perfect.” Jovan Yap