There is a well-known four-letter “L” word that defines many romantic relationships – love. However, there’s another four-letter “L” word that sneaks into our relationships fairly often as well – lust. Love and lust are similar yet very different types of attraction. Figuring out whether your romantic feelings come from lust or love can be challenging. With a deeper understanding of each of these words, you will be able to spot the difference between love vs lust.

Lust is looking at a person and feeling both a strong sexual attraction and a pull toward imaginative details that the relationship could one day possess. Love is a feeling of commitment and adoration for a person that you’ve put effort into and began to build a life with. It is a feeling backed by action, deep affection, and a desire to grow with and do your best for the person you’re with. Online therapy can help you decipher your feelings and emotions about romantic love to better understand whether you are feeling lust or love. Look into your relationship and try to see where your emotional connection is stemming from. If your feelings are about sexual attraction or future ideals, you’re likely falling into lust. If your feelings are built on a solid relationship that you’ve put work into, you’re likely falling in love. If you’re not quite sure, read on to learn more distinctions between lust vs love. With the right information, you’ll find the answer you are looking for.