How much do you know about Financial Planning? In this Part 2 conversation with Mortgage Financing Coach and Certified Realtor,  Kimone Tobias, we discuss Assess Creditworthiness (capacity to repay, capital, credit history) Capacity to repay: Total Debt Service Ratio (TDSR).: How much mortgage can you afford? Capital: How much do I need?.. Watch the Sunrise Money Master Class here:


Count the cost before starting: Deposit (avg. 10%), closing costs (3.5%), bank fees (avg. 2.5%, other 3rd party costs (appraisal, surveyor’s report, property & life insurance). Credit History 

Build A Plan of Action Budgeting (using the 5-jar principle)- allocating funds for savings, investments, tithing, giving, and expenses. Systemize budgeting strategy (expense tracking, automated budgeting plan via standing orders, salary deductions etc.) Explore additional streams of income (especially where there are TDSR constraints). 

Close The Gap Adjust expectations based on your current reality in relation to your dream and find a “sweet spot” in choosing the right home. Determine an expected timeline to close the gap between your current reality and future goal to guide savings & investment strategies. Leverage expertise- Consult the experts to avoid frustration (financial advisor, loan officer, coach, lawyer realtor) 


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