It’s time to give back. Toni-Moy Stewart, Past President of the Rotaract Club of Kingston and Jamar Howell, Chairman, JN Sports and Social Club discuss the upcoming blood drive being hosted.

A flagship project of the Rotaract Club of Kingston (RCOK) is their quarterly blood drive held in collaboration with The National Blood Transfusion Service: Blood Bank. For this Christmas season, and on the 2nd quarter of the Rotaract Year, they have leveraged the support of the Ministry of Health and Wellness and the Jamaica National Sports and Social Club to execute a well anticipated Christmas Blood Drive which will take the form of an outside broadcast,
under the theme: “A Gift of Blood this Giving Season”. The broadcast will go live from the JN Bank compound, located at 2-4 Half-Way-Tree Road, Kingston on Saturday, December 9, 2023.

See full segment below.

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